READ THIS ENTIRE SECTION!!!! This page generates R syntax so you can perform statistical tests discussed in my book. YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW R TO USE THESE PROGRAMS. Click on a program for a description of it in the 'Description' box. Then go to the 'Input Values' box, enter the input information, and click 'Register Input.' Your R syntax will be auto-generated in the 'R Syntax' box. Copy and paste the syntax into R on your computer (click 'Install R and libraries' for how to install R). The syntax will generate meaningful output, even if you do not know what the syntax says. Watch a video for a program to see what I mean.
Interfaces with SPSS, Excel, Ascii, SAS and STATA Formats
Statistical Programs Statistical Primers
If you copied syntax to clipboard, click your cursor in position where you want to paste it (in either the 'Run Syntax' box or in your own version of R), then press Ctrl-v to paste it.
If the syntax you are running generates a plot in the 'Run Syntax' box, right click on the image and select copy image to paste it into a document or graphics program.
You can edit syntax directly in the Run syntax window and re-paste it and re-run it, if desired.
To create a desktop shortcut to this page, click here.
If program uses a data file, enter the full folder path (e.g., c:\ret\) followed by file name and tag below or click here for a shortcut tip. To see variable names in file, click 'Choose File' and browse to file (but still give full path info and file name in box below).
A few programs use local functions. **YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD** and unzipthese working files for those programs to work. If you use Windows, put them in a folder you create called ret on your C drive (c:\ret). If you use a Mac, put them in a folder you create called ret in the Documents folder under your user name. These files are ASCII files that make my life easier as a programmer. Watch the video for installing R; it will walk you through everything. If you are an experienced R user, be sure to read the Description Box after clicking the 'Install R and library' button.
For many programs, you can paste syntax into the 'Run Syntax' box on this page and click the green 'Run' button to execute it on the web. Libraries are pre-installed on this web server version of R. Look at the 'Install R and libraries" program to see R libraries you need to install on the R version on your computer for my programs to run. I assume you run my programs in R, not Rstudio.
If a program uses raw data, you must use your downloaded version of R, not the server. When you quit a session of R, R will ask if you want to save the workspace. I recommend saying 'no'. Also, close and re-open R before running a new program on this website if you have run a previous program. This clears out the work space.For how to clean out your semi-permanent R workspace if you want to, click here.