Table of Contents
Below is a detailed table of contents of Program Evaluation and Randomized Explanatory Trials. The book proper is available on the tab/page titled 'The Book.' To cite the book, use Jaccard, J. (2024). Program evaluation and randomized explanatory trials. Applied Scientific Analysis (see
Statistical Programs
Statistical Primers
Interfaces with SPSS, Excel, Ascii, SAS and STATA Formats

1 • Randomized Explanatory Trials
RET Framing Using Mediation and Moderation
RETs Instead of RCTs
Facets of an RET
The Big Picture
Experimental Therapeutics
Mixed Methods RETs
RETs as Thought Experiments
Factorial RETs and Dismantling Designs
RETs and Other Facets of Program Design and Evaluation
2 • Conceptual Fundamentals for RETs
The Nature of Causality
Influence Diagrams as a Theoretical Tool for RETs
Thinking of RETs as Opening the Black Box
Task 1: Conceptually Mapping the Intervention
Task 2: Broader Analysis of Outcomes, Mediators and Moderators
Task 3: Defining Meaningful Effects in RETs
Multiple Outcome Research
3 • Measurement Fundamentals for RETs
Concept-Measurement Mapping
Measurement Metrics
Measurement Error
The Facets of Measurement
Cronbach's Alpha and Issues of Dimensionality
Other Criteria for Choosing a Measure
Latent Variable Representations of Constructs
Formative Measurement and Composites
Using Single versus Multiple Indicators of Constructs
Measurement Invariance
Measurement-Intervention Correspondence: Creating Study Specific Measures
False Dichotomization of Measures
Baseline Assessments: Do We Collect Them or Not
Frequency and Timing of Assessments
4 • Methodological Fundamentals for RETs
Types of Randomized Trials
Randomized Trial Designs
Populations for Randomized Trials
The Concept of Imbalance
Randomization Strategies
Phases of a Randomized Trial
Demand Characteristics and Blinding
Treatment Integrity
The Consort Checklist
Appendix: Competing Components in RETs
5 • Statistical Fundamentals for RETs: Regression Modeling
The Basics of Linear Regression
The Basics of Binary Regression
The Basics of Ordinal Regression
The Basics of Multinomial Regression
The Basics of Discrete/Count Regression
Appendix: Latent Propensity Models for Binary Regression
6 • Statistical Fundamentals for RETs: Advanced Topics
Non-Linear Regression
Outlier Resistant Robust Regression
The Problem of Multiple Significance Tests
Margins of Error
Sensitivity Analyses
Centering Variables
Profile Analysis
7 • Statistical Fundamentals for RETs: Structural Equation Modeling
The Basics of SEM
Tautological Predicted and Observed Covariances
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Indices of Model Fit and Model Testing
Localized Fit Indices
Evaluation of Predicted Paths
A Weight-of-the-Evidence Perspective
Latent Variables in SEM
Comparing Models using SEM
Theory Revisions Based on Data
8 • Statistical Fundamentals for RETs: Non-Traditional Structural Equation Modeling
Bayesian SEM
Limited Information SEM
Structural Causal Modeling
9 • Mediation Analysis in RETs: Basic Approaches
Classic Mediation Analysis Approaches
The Baron and Kenny Method
The Coefficient Product Method
The Joint Significance Test
Hayes Conditional Process Analysis
The MacArthur Network Model
Causal Mediation Analysis
Structural Equation Modeling
10 • Evaluating Effect Sizes in RETs
Indices of Effect Size in RETs
Setting Effect Size Standards in RETs
Effect Size Interpretation and Sampling Error
Appendix: Calculation of Effect Sizes
11 • Mediation Analysis with Continuous Outcomes
A Numerical Example
The Model Equations
Preliminary Analyses
Traditional Full Information SEM Analysis
Bayesian SEM
Limited Information SEM
Causal Mediation Analysis
Specification Error and Result Generalizability
12 • Mediation Analysis with Binary Outcomes
Mediation Analysis with Binary Outcomes
Broader Perspectives on Modeling Binary Outcomes
Numerical Example with a Binary Outcome
LISEM Analysis: The Modified Linear Probability Model
LISEM Analysis: The Probit Model
FISEM Analysis: Probit Modeling
FISEM Analysis: Bayesian Modeling
FISEM Analysis: The Modified Linear Probability Model
Supplemental Analyses
Binary Mediators and Latent Variables
Appendix A: Calculation of Average Marginal Effects
Appendix B: Setting Meaningfulness Standards
13 • Mediation Analysis with Ordinal and Nominal Outcomes
Numerical Example of Ordinal Outcomes
Ordinal Modeling: Overview of the Probability Approach
Preliminary Analyses
Ordinal Modeling: Application of the Probability Approach
Ordinal Modeling: The Latent Response Approach
Ordinal Mediators and Latent Variables with Multiple Indicators
Concluding Comments on the Analysis of Ordinal Outcomes
Nominal/ordinal Outcomes: The Multinomial Model
Concluding Comments
Appendix: Alternative Parameterizations
14 • Mediation Analysis with Count Outcomes
[To be added]
15 • Non-linear and Specialized Modeling in Mediation Analysis
Mediation Analysis and Polynomial Regression
Mediation Analysis and Spline Regression
Mediation Analysis and Traditional Non-linear Regression
Mediation Analysis and Bayes Additive Regression Trees
Mediation Analysis and Generalized Additive Models
Mediation Analysis and Recursuve Partitioning (CART) Models
Mediation Analysis and Cluster Analysis
Mediation Analysis and Latent Profile/Class Analysis
Concluding Comments
Appendix A: Calculation of AME for a Quadratic Model
Appendix B: Elaboration of Exponential Function
Appendix C: Geweke Test of Convergence
16 • RETs with Follow-Ups: Longitudinal Modeling
[to be added]
17 • Mediator Relative Importance and Exploratory Mediation Analysis
Relative Importance of Omnibus Mediation Effects
A Numerical Example
Tests of Relative Importance of Omnibus Mediation Effects
Tests of Relative Importance of Mediator Effects on Outcomes
When the Number of Mediators is Large: Data Reduction
18 • Introduction to Moderation Analysis
Moderation Analysis in RETs
When Change Does Not Reflect Treatment Response: Implications for Moderation Analysis
Parameterizing Moderated Relationships
When X Moderates Itself in the X-Y Relationship
Graphing Moderated Relationships
Ordinal and Disordinal Moderation
Asserting Group Equivalence
19 • Moderation Analysis with Product Terms
[to be added]
20 • Moderation Analysis with Multiple Groups
[to be added]
21 • Exploratory Moderation Analysis and Non-Linear Dynamics
[to be added]
22 • Moderated Mediation in RETs
[to be added]
23 • Mediated Moderation in RETs
[to be added]
24 • Moderated Moderation in RETs
[to be added]
25 • Group Administered Interventions and Cluster Designs
Sampling/Experimental Design and Custering
Clusters as a Nuisance or as Theoretically Meaningful
Hierarhcial Structure of Clusters
Multilevel Equations
The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
Design Effects
Cluster Populations
Numerical Examples
Clustering as a Nuisance
Multilevel SEM
Analysis Strategies When There Are Few Clusters
Power Analysis/Simulations for Cluster Randomized Trials
Methodological Issues in Cluster Randomized Trials
26 • Missing Data
Traditional Approaches to Missing Data
Missing Data Mechanismss
Assessment of Bias in Missing Data
Missing at Random is a Matter of Degreep
Missing Data Bias is Not Always Bad
Patterns of Missing Data
A Numerical Example
Modern Strategies for Dealing with Missing Data
Additional Issues in Handling Missing Data
Listwise Missing Data Methods Revisited
Which Method is Best?
When Data are Not MCAR or MAR
Missing Data Simulations
27 • Intent to Treat and Per Protocol Modeling
Implementation Trials
The Complier Average Causal Effect (CACE) Framework
Treatment Confounds
Numerical Example
Efficacy Focused Analyses
Effectiveness Focused Analyses
Extensions to Randomized Explanatory Trials
Appendix: Detailed CACE Output
28 • Sample Size Considerations
Sampling Error
Sample Size and Properties of Estimators
Sample Size and Asymptotic Theory
Sample Size, Covariance Properties, and Model Complexity
Implications for Sample Size Decisions
Sample Size and Statistical Power
Sample Size and Margins of Error
Localized Simulations for Sample Size Decisions
Small Sample Statistical Tests
Appendix: Specifying Standardized Metric Population Values
29 • Factorial and Dismantling Designs, Multi-Treatment RETs
[to be added]
30 • Epilogue
[to be added]